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Pakistani actor tells himself ISI agent

September 27, 20222 Mins Read

Imran Khan’s close, Pakistani actor tells himself ISI agent. Hamza Ali Abbasi has made headlines on his social media account several times with controversial tweets about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Kashmir issue. In the recent past, he has tweeted several tweets on the ideology of the RSS and BJP by tagging PM Modi.

A famous Pakistani actor tweeted, describing himself as an agent of the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI. An Indian channel has long been claiming that the actor is an ISI undercover agent. The actor is none other than Hamza Ali Abbasi. Hamza recently posted a shocking tweet while sharing the news clipping of this channel. Pakistani artist Hamza Ali Abbasi tweeted on Independence Day of Pakistan Hamza wrote in this post, sarcastic on the Indian Channel. That claims to be an Indian channel That I am the undercover agent of ISI.

That’s not right, I’m not an undercover but completely and proudly an ISI agent. I want to make it clear that not only me, all the 20 million people of Pakistan are also ISI agents. Abbasi has made headlines on his social media account several times with controversial tweets about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Kashmir issue. He had made several tweets on the RSS and BJP ideology by tagging PM Narendra Modi in the past. It is to be noted that Pakistani media also once banned Abbasi for his statements.

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