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Global info-sharing rules won’t end sovereign freedom

October 31, 20222 Mins Read
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Global info-sharing rules won’t end sovereign freedom

Global info-sharing rules won’t end sovereign freedom | An official from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) told ET that the proposed global information-sharing framework for crypto assets does not give legitimacy to digital currencies and does not restrict national authority to enact prohibitions.

The G-20 finance ministers met in Washington last week, and the OECD offered a framework for reporting crypto assets. The implementation procedure for the proposed Crypto Asset Reporting Framework is anticipated to begin shortly by the think tank (CARF).

The idea for a Global Cultured information-sharing agreement comes in response to rising worries about the secrecy of cryptocurrency transactions and the absence of governmental control of intermediaries that trade in them.

According to Phillip Kerfs, head of the International Cooperation Unit at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, “The CARF is designed to be implemented by jurisdictions to deliver tax transparency in the crypto-asset market and therefore does not prejudice the decision of jurisdictions to put in place bans or other limits on (transacting in) crypto-assets.”

The CARF’s effects on jurisdictions that have imposed it are now being evaluated by the OECD.

Dates for implementation and information sharing, according to Kerfs, have not yet been decided.

The immediate next step, according to him, will be for the OECD to expedite work on creating a synchronized implementation schedule for both the CARF and the revised Common Reporting Standard.

The CARF envisions an automated, standardized interchange of tax data pertaining to transactions using crypto assets. It provides guidelines and commentary that domestic laws can use to get data from the Reporting Crypto-Asset Service provider envisioned in the framework.


Regarding worries about higher compliance, Kerfs stated that the OECD has spoken with the Business Advisory Group throughout the process and that the CARF incorporates stakeholder input from an earlier this year public consultation process.

An informal collection of academics, corporate leaders, and consultants make up the Business Advisory Group, which offers suggestions from the business world.

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