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  • Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gori Khan has opened a big secret

Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gori Khan has opened a big secret

August 20, 20221 Mins Read

Gori Khan, wife of Bollywood King Shah Rukh Khan, recently made headlines.They have made such an interesting discovery on their Twitter account. Gori shared a photo with the revelation the film stars Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol in the film. Many of your memories will be refreshed after looking at this picture This photo is going viral on the Internet. There is still Shah Rukh’s reaction to this photo and Gori Khan disclosure.

Can’t believe I designed this look in the 90s ������ … Those jeans, #legwarmer tee, bullet belt and a red shirt thrown over. The hand painted jeans were my favorite. #Gaurikhandesigns has come a long way! Major throwback.

Gori Khan is not well known as an actress but he is no less than a superstar. They have made this position on their own Gori Khan is recognized as a Business Woman. She owns a wonderful company that does interior designing. There they recently made another shocking discovery Gori Khan state that he had designed Shah Rukh’s costume in the film Bazigar. See here the photo shared by Gori Khan.

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