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Facebook in works to help Messenger battle coronavirus

August 23, 20222 Mins Read

Facebook also began enlisting outside developers to build forms in which its Messaging app will support health organizations combat the latest coronavirus. According to Messenger Vice President Stan Chudnovsk, the social network has welcomed tech experts to engage in an online hackathon intended to build ways to use Messenger to ease social isolation and provide reliable details about the pandemic
He launched a new initiative aimed at linking government health organizations and UN institutions with developers that can build forms of using Messenger to exchange reliable knowledge and speed up answers to questions from people For starters, tech developers may help governments simplify the asking of basic questions, enabling workers to undertake more difficult tasks. Developers will also enable organizations to rapidly deliver new knowledge through apps.
According to the Facebook-owned messaging app, UNICEF and Pakistan’s Ministry of National Health now use Messenger to keep citizens updated on COVID-19. WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned messaging app, recently introduced a free World Health Organization guide to address concerns about coronavirus and dispel “coronavirus misconceptions.” The application, which will be released in English, will grow to include Hindi, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish over the coming weeks.
WhatsApp introduced a Coronavirus Communication Center last week, in collaboration with WHO and organizations of the United Nations. WhatsApp, which has more than one billion customers, has given a grant of $1 million to a Multinational Evidence Checking Network consortium committed to reporting on reports of coronavirus spreading over messaging networks.

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