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Abhinandan and Current Indian Chief Marshal

September 27, 20222 Mins Read

The current Indian Air Force plane flying with Nandan has also been dropped by the Pak Air Force. Have a read and save through parachutes.
The Indian Air Chief’s plane, which had been hit by Abhinandan, who was taken aback by Pakistanis, was also dropped by Pakistan, which saved him from para-shootings.
Indian Air Force wing commander Nandan has taken over the position after returning to service, according to details.
Two days ago, an Indian pilot flew in a MiG-21 aircraft.
Indian Air Force Marshal BS Dhawanova accompanied him on the flight.
The whole world knows how the Pak Airbus dropped the plane of Abhinandan and then the abattoir.
Was also arrested who was released to convey a message of peace.
After returning to Abhinandan’s service, some photos were seen in which he was seen aboard the plane, Indian media say.
In this regard, media reports said that Air Force Chief Marshal Bhinder Singh was left in the retirement of Dhanu Vajan for a few days.
He completed his last professional flight last Monday, flying the Mig-21 fighter jet.
He was accompanied by wing commander Abhinandan Vardhan, who was flying from Pathan Kotakai airport in Panjon, who was killed when he entered Azad Kashmir after flying his MiG-21 aircraft to Pulwama incident last February.
After which he became a prisoner of war in Pakistan, Indian Air Chief Marshal Dhanwa has said that he and Abhinandan have two things in common.
He said that Kargil and Abhinandan tried airstrikes on Balakot, and both had to leave their aircraft on the plane and had to be rescued by parachute.
Abhinandan has now been made an instructor for the Mig 21 in the Indian Air Force.

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