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September 24, 20223 Mins Read

Mesut Ozil a 30-year-old former German International footballer tied the knot with a former “Miss Turkey” Amine Gulse in Istanbul on Friday having the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as his best man.

Mesut Ozil and Gulse were dating since 2017 and got engaged in June 2018 and now they have finally become one soul by getting married.
Mesut Ozil had announced about his proposal made to the president Erdogan for being his best man at the wedding, early in this March.
The ceremony took place at the bank of the Bosphorus where the President arrived on the early evening of Friday and stayed at a luxury hotel before the ceremony.
The Turkish leader and his wife were seen standing beside the marrying couple while the marriage ceremony was being held. He also took photographs along the new bride and groom and gave them wishes for their new life.
Ozil has given a key role victory to Germany in World Cup 2014 and has represented it for about 92 times in different matches.
He had suddenly quit the German National Squad last year in July saying that the German football officials play the game of racism.
Back in 2018, the Germany Footballer faced controversy due to the Turkish family roots while he was seen in photos with Mr. Erdogan. His loyalty for the German team was questioned on the occasion of their World cup complain, 2018.
The Criticism strengthened after the humiliated guarding champions slammed out of the first round of the World Cup in Russia.
Ozil announced his resignation from the national squad in the wake of the World Cup fiasco, saying: “I am German when we win, an immigrant when we lose”.
The reports state that Mr. Erdogan is often seen at the weddings of the celebrities in Turkey whom he especially seeks out during election campaigns.
His appearance at Ozil’s marriage comes in front of a mayoral race in Istanbul on June 23, required after the first casting a ballot in March was repealed following a restricted triumph for the principle resistance Republican People’s Party.
Moreover,  the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s chief of staff had criticized Ozil for inviting Mr. Erdogan for his wedding.
Furthermore, a CDU Helge Braun has also given remarks over the invitation while talking to the media saying, “It makes one sad that Ozil would make a such a move despite having already been sharply criticized by the German public over his first meeting with Erdogan.”

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