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September 4, 20222 Mins Read

The second wave of CORONAVIRUS WREAKS HAVOC has brought a doomsday in Pakistan. The highest number of deaths in 24 hours so far is 71 people. And 41,426 corona tests have been conducted across the country in the last 24 hours. In the previous 24 hours, the positive corona rate has been 6.59%, the number of deaths from Corona in the country has reached 8724, the total number of cases has reached 435056 while the number of active topics has reached 45124. During the hours, 2116 patients across the country recovered from Corona.

Corona Cases Rate

Across the country, the rate of positive coronavirus cases rose to 7.9 percent. Karachi Corona’s positive case rate is 17.39%. According to NCOC, Hyderabad’s positive case rate is 18.43%. 10.83 percent in Azad Kashmir, 11.62 percent in Balochistan, 2.68 percent in Gilgit-Baltistan, 6.16 percent in Islamabad, 11.29 percent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and 11 percent in Sindh.

In France, CORONAVIRUS WREAKS HAVOC has affected more than 2,351,000 people and killed about 57,567. And approximately 1,890,000 corona cases and 63,506 deaths are reported in the UK. Whereas, in Italy, it has affected more than 1,850,000 and killed 63,387 people.

The first 5 million cases voyaged worldwide in quite a while. Fixed It took 43 days from 10 million to 20 million patients. In the following 38 days, another 10 million patients were accounted for.

The excursion of 30 million to 40 million was finished in 31 days. It took 21 days for 40 million to 50 million cases to be accounted for. The last 10 million cases became known in only 18 days. The first 100,000 deaths were accounted for in quite a while. On June 5, the loss of life crossed 400,000. On August 20, the loss of life rose to 800,000. It took 76 days for somewhere in the range of 400,000 and 800,000 passing. 800,000 to 1 million deaths happened in 37 days. The following 200,000 deaths were accounted for in 35 days. Last 200,000 deaths in only 24 days.

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