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Building of the Dragon

October 4, 20225 Mins Read

Building of the Dragon

While House of the Dragon viewers grieve the death of Milly Alcock’s portrayal of the child princess Rhaenyra, viewers of Westeros regret the loss of three characters who appeared and vanished just as quickly. Before I could even recognise Laena Velaryon, Ser Harwin Strong, and his father, Lionel, as significant enough characters to estimate their odds of surviving, they all died in terrible accidents.

Nearly the whole group attends Laena’s burial in Drift mark in Episode Seven. The group comprises King Viserys, his three children with Queen Alicent, Rhaenyra, Laenor, their two eldest sons, Corlys, Rhaenys, Ser Vaemond, Ser Criston Cole, and Otto Hightower, who has been reappointed as the Hand of the King.

Daemon, the little demon that he is, laughs at Vaemond’s eulogy. Vaemond praised House Velaryon for its tenacity and expressed his hope that its blood would never run low.

Daemon thought the remark humorous because three of the five Velaryon children aren’t actually Velaryons in any manner. Jacaerys, Rhaenyra’s firstborn child, later informs his mother that they ought to be at Harrenhal grieving Ser Harwin Strong’s passing, hinting that he is aware of their true father.

He is sent off by Rhaenyra to console his cousins Baela and Rhaena. Rhaena? So now we have three Rhaenys: Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, and Rhaena. Oof. One of the creepiest ways Daemon has yet to display his passion for his niece is by giving one of his kids the name “Rhaena.”

Other WTFisms are occurring at the funeral. Helaena Targaryen captures a large spider while making up a dragon story for herself. Larys Strong is awkwardly staring at the Queen. Standing halfway in the ocean, Laenor sobs. Corlys promises his little grandson that he will control Driftmark after everyone he cares about has passed away. Grief affects people in weird ways, I suppose.

The individuals continued to pause, hesitate, then leave the room silently for a period of time that felt like five minutes. Before conversing, Daemon and Viserys repeat this action again. When the King accuses the gods of being harsh for removing Laena so soon, Daemon responds that it appears the gods have been particularly unkind to him. A burning pain! But he is not mistaken. Viserys, by the way, looks absolutely terrible. He survives thanks to the enchantment of television.

Rhaenys tries to persuade her husband Corlys to leave Driftmark to Laena’s children rather than Laenor’s following his passing at night. It is now well known that Rhaenyra’s boys are not those of Laenor, and her two daughters are truly Velaryon.

While Laena’s offspring are officially Targaryens, Rhaenyra’s boys bear the Velaryon name until they take the Iron Throne, which kind of sounds like gibberish but is genuine. They are all relatives that got married to each other, for sure! Corlys, though, values it anyway.

Those who support the incestuous union may celebrate

For the first time in ten years, Rhaenyra tells Daemon that her marriage to Laenor is becoming pointless. In a scenario that is highly reminiscent of Game of Thrones and is so dark that it is difficult to see, they converse on the beach. Rhaenyra believes that Daemon left her behind in King’s Landing, but he explains that she was still a young kid at the time.

Have you heard that, #Daenyra fans? an infant. However, those who favour the illegal connection could rejoice when the uncle and niece kiss and have sex after Rhaenyra makes fun of her as being “no good”.

Aemond Targaryen, the young man without a dragon, finds Vhagar, the dragon that belonged to the late Laena. She is a huge beast and the last dragon from the time of Aegon’s Conquest still alive. After he awakens the brat up from her slumber, Vhagar threatens to murder her, then he extends his hand and speaks in Old Valyrian.

This situation is analogous to Jurassic World, when all it takes to stop a velociraptor from ripping you to pieces is to stick out your hand and say, “No, but thanks! Aemond puts on the dragon’s harness and commands it to fly.

She does so reluctantly. Congratulations, young one; you now possess the biggest dragon on earth. Despite the fact that it is still quite dark, they occasionally fly around. I’m sure the VFX crew enjoyed working in what was essentially complete darkness for this project, but I could have used some moonlight. “Your mother’s dead and Vhagar has a new rider now,” Aemond tells Laena’s children when he returns. Arrrgh, guy.

The long-rumored scene of kids kicking and punching each other appears, and it’s not nice. The young Lucerys slices Aemond’s left eye with a knife after ridiculing Rhaenyra’s boys for being bastard kids.

Here, Rhaenya and Alicent are formally established as the show’s grownups, while their children emerge as its major characters. Rhaenyra reveals to the king that her boys had to defend themselves after Aemond questioned the veracity of their birth, which is considered to be treason.

Before Aegon acknowledges that Ser Harwin is really the real father of Jacaerys and Lucerys, blame is passed around the room. Those are his dark, curly hair, for crying out loud! Only Viserys, the king who miraculously survives, continues to be unaware of this”This internal conflict needs to end. We live as a unit!

” Viserys the King yells. His decision to have them all kiss and make out is deemed “insufficient” by Queen Alicent. She declares an eye for an eye by invoking the Hammurabi Code. Ser Criston is told to bring her Lucerys’s eye, and the Queen declares, “If the King would not pursue justice,

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