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An earthquake in Afghanistan has claimed the lives of over 900 people.

September 22, 20224 Mins Read

According to reports, an earthquake in Afghanistan has claimed the lives of over 900 people.

Afghanistan’s KABUL — As families slept, mud-brick and cinder block homes collapsed in eastern Afghanistan as a result of a strong 5.9 magnitude earthquake, creating a fresh disaster in a nation that has already suffered enough.

More than 920 people were reportedly killed and more than 600 more were injured, according to the state-run news agency for the Taliban. They quoted Mawlavi Sharfuddin Muslim, the deputy state minister for disaster management. Due to the earthquake in Afghanistan impact on outlying places, it was impossible to instantly confirm that figure.

The footage of an unidentified guy whose iPhone swung around to capture residences collapsed in the early light was posted by the Bakhtar News Agency to show the extent of the damage.

He says, “I’m making this film to illustrate that everyone here is under the building. “There are five individuals living below that home. Six individuals occupy this home.” “And in this home, 13 dead people remain under,” he continues, turning to face another mound of debris. He continues, “The entire community is utterly devastated,” as he swings his camera farther up the slope.

Men were seen pulling out of the wreckage what seemed to be a little body wrapped in a blanket in a photo released by the news agency. One man was seen lighting up the scene with what appeared to be a small flashlight clamped between his teeth. Men were seen resting on gurneys among the debris in a subsequent video.

The most severely affected regions were rural agricultural communities in the eastern Afghan provinces of Paktika and Khost. Because of the remoteness of these settlements, Afghan officials sent seven helicopters and a medical team to assist in the rescue effort.
These provinces border Pakistan’s untamed northwest mountain range. Mohsin Dawar, a lawmaker for one of the nearby Pakistani regions, sent NPR with pictures showing homes covered in debris. The men, women, and children who had been sleeping in them, he claimed, were still unaccounted for as of this point.

Officials from the Taliban sent their condolences and urged Afghans to lend a hand to one another, as many are already doing. On Twitter, the Afghan Red Crescent Society said that it was distributing supplies to the impacted districts.

According to Samantha Mort, the communications director for UNICEF in Afghanistan, men have shown up in nearby, unaffected regions to donate blood at neighbourhood hospitals.

The UN organisation was assisting, she claimed: “We have personnel on the ground providing blankets, hygiene kits, and other supplies. To provide first assistance to individuals who are hurt, we have a number of mobile health and nutrition teams on the road.”

She said that the calamity hit a nation that had already experienced numerous difficulties. “This population is extremely poor, has a high unemployment rate, and is currently experiencing the worst drought in the past 37 years. A crisis of chronic starvation exists as well “She spoke. “Preventable illnesses like measles and severe watery diarrhoea are on the rise in outbreaks.”

In order to assist feed nearly half of Afghanistan’s 40 million people, the UN has been battling to generate enough money to fulfil its expenses for this year.

However, Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, the Secretary General’s deputy special representative for Afghanistan, stated on Twitter that they were “assessing the requirements” of the earthquake victims and that a response was on the way.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake’s epicentre was only 10 kilometres (6.2 miles) below Earth’s surface. Because the energy from such earthquakes doesn’t decrease as much as it goes toward the surface, shallow depths like that sometimes carry a larger danger for damage.

According to the USGS, the earthquake in Afghanistan was most likely caused by strike-slip faulting according to the pattern of strong waves emanating from its epicentre. The India tectonic plate is pushing into the Eurasia plate from the north, resulting in a continuous, huge collision that generates earthquakes in the area.

About 300 miles away from the location of the 2008 earthquake in western Pakistan that triggered landslides and killed 166 people, the 2008 quake was significantly stronger.

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