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Allama Syed Zameer Akhtar Naqvi Passes Away

September 1, 20224 Mins Read

Allama Syed Zameer Akhtar Naqvi Passes Away
Renowned religious scholar Allama Syed Zameer Akhtar Naqvi passes away at Karachi on Sunday morning due to a heart attack. Allama Zameer Akhtar Naqvi was transferred to Aga Khan Hospital last night according to reports.
Today the deceased ‘s body will be moved to Ancholi Imambargah where he will perform his funeral prayers. Allama Naqvi was born in Lucknow, India, on 24 March 1944.
He graduated in Hussainabad School (matric) and Jubilee College of Education, Lucknow, India (inter). Allama Zameer Akhtar Naqvi graduated from “Lucknow Shia Academy” Akhtar has been an author of over 300 books in different fields including literature, history, theology, politics, theory, journalism, economics, research, oratory, and language.
His most recent books include Shite History (2011). Moula Ali’s (A.S) Brilliant Contribution to Islam (2011). Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) Brilliance (2011). Quran Sweareness (2011). Wisdom Is Life (2011). The Origin of Imam Hussain’s Killers (A.S) (2011)
He was secretary of the Mir Anees Academy, and editor-in – chief of quarterly Al-Qalam journal. Governor Sindh Imran Ismail has expressed condolences over the noted scholar ‘s death. He is praying for his life. “I hope for peace for his kin,” he said.


Josh Malih-abadi’s Marthiyah (1980) A collection of Josh Malih-abadi’s Marthiyah with a full glossary.
Urdu Marthiyah in Pakistan (1982) The history of Marsiya in Pakistan from 1947 to 1977 in which are unearthed some classical hand-written manuscripts of Marsiya and its writer’s history.
Urdu “Ghazal” about Karbala (1988) The travel of Urdu Ghazal (a form of Urdu poetry) from Iran to India; the meaning and interpretation of Ghazal; some ghazal’s about Karbala also included.
Urdu poetry in praise of Imam Ali (a.s) (1993) Religious literary and knowledgeable volume; Arabic, Persian, and Urdu examples of poetry by highly respectable poets in praise of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)
The poets in the family of Mir Anis (1996) The life history of 22 family members of Mir Anis that were poets and their poetry.
Miracles and Qur’an, a collection of lectures (1996) The ten complete lectures about the definition of miracles and the history of miracles.
The life of Ja’fer-e-Tayyar (a) (1998) The first cousin of the Prophet of Islam, his life history, the first book of its kind, in any language the details of his dialogue with king of Ethiopia at that time, his complete speech in the court of King Negus of Ethiopia.
Where Mir Anis has talked about colours in his poetry (1999) The poetry collection in which Mir Anis talked about colours, this book contains all the poetry of Anis regarding this subject.
The valuable manuscripts of Urdu Marsia writing (2004)
Study of Elegies of Mir Anees (2004)
Hazrat Fatima Zehra (S.A.W) (2007)
Greatness of Bibi Zainab (A.S) (2007)
Princess Zainab and History of Syria (2008)
Great Biography of Umme Kulsoom (A.S) (2011)
Biography of Prince Qasim ibn Imam Hassan (A.S) (part 1)
Biography of Prince Qasim Ibne Imam Hassan (A.S) (part 2)
Prince Qasim (A.S)’s Henna (2010)
Prince Ali Asghar (A.S) (2010)
Iran’s Princess Hazrat-e-Shehar Bano (A.S) (2010)
Biography of Hazrat Jaffar-e-Taeyaar
The Victory of Imam Hassan (A.S) and The Defeat of Enemy of God (2008)
Hazrat Ali’s Divine Sword Zulfiqar in the Light of Quran and Hadees (2010)
Zuljinah (2008)
Poet of the Ages Mir Anees (2008)
Grief of Imam Hussain (A.S) And Intercession of Azadar
Garden of Nasikh (2011)
Ali and Absolute Knowledge
Hazrat Aqeel (A.S). The first cousin of Prophet Mohammad
Martyr Scholars of the truth
Artefacts of Marsiya Nigger (part 1)
Artefacts of Marsiya Nigger (part 2
Ascension of Speech (part 1)
Ascension of Speech (part 2)
Ascension of Speech (part 3)
Ascension of Speech (part 4)
Ascension of Speech (part 5)
Enhancer of Islam Bibi Khadija-tul-Kubbra (A.S)
Emergence OF Imam-e-Mahdi
Rulership OF Ali (A.S)
Mir Anees as an Expert of Animals (2011)
Scripture of Zameer (2007)
Hazrat Ali in the Battle Field
Greatness of Companion
Greatness OF Abu Talib (A.S)
Situations and the Actions of Syed Hussain Sharf-ud-Deen Shah WilayatLATEST BOOKS:
Or Shite History (2011)
Moula Ali (A.S) The Wonderful Campaign for Islam (2011)
Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) Grandeur (2011)
Quran Sweareness (2011)
Wisdom Is Life (2011)
The Origin of Imam Hussain’s Killers (A.S) (2011)


Mir Anees Prize was awarded in 1980, for the collection of the novel ‘Josh Malih-Abadi’s Marthiyah.’ In 1999, Anjuman-e-Farogh-e-Aza Commonwealth prize, London.


History or Shite (2011)
The Great Work of Moula Ali (A.S) For Islam (2011)
Greatness of Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S) (2011)
Swearness of Quran (2011)
Knowledge Is Life (2011)
The End OF Killers of Imam Hussain (A.S) (2011)

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