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September 3, 20225 Mins Read

Hazrat Fakiha belonged to Banu Azad, Yasar (or Aflah bin Yasar) was her father, the husband’s name was Hattab (Addresser: Ibn Sa’d) bin Harith who belonged to the branch of BanuJumah of Quraysh. Hattab’s grandfather, Mu’ammar ibn Habib, held an important position in his tribe during the pre-Islamic period. Twenty years after Umm Al-Fil, the fourth battle of Fajr (or Fajr Akbar) took place in 590 AH, when he represented BanuJumah. In this battle, the Quraysh and its supporting tribes were victorious. Mu’ammar ibn Habib died while fighting. Abu Tajra was the brother of HazratFakiha. HazratFakiha is counted among the ‘PREDECESSORS.’ 

HazratHattab bin Harith, his brother HazratHaatib bin Harith, HazratMu’ammar bin Harith and HazratHattab’s wife HazratFakihabintYasar were blessed with faith. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not visit Dar al-Arqam then. According to the order given by Ibn Hisham, these four former believers believed in the thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, and thirty-eighth numbers.

HazratFakihabintYasar was fortunate enough to migrate to both Abyssinia and Medina. In the third year of the Prophet’s revelation, he commanded his Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

“(O Prophet), call out the command of prophethood that you have received.” (Al-Hijr 15: 94)

“And warn your close relatives.” (Al-Shuaraa 26: 214)

As the number of Muslims increased, Islam became popular in Makkah, and the polytheists saw their idols in divine danger, and they began to persecute the weak and enslaved Muslims. In the fifth year of Prophethood, this series reached its peak. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised the Sahaabah: “Scatter in their land.” He pointed to Abyssinia and said: “There is a king (King of Axum) whose kingdom is not oppressed. It is the land of peace and truth, (staying there) until it finds a way out of your hardships.” So in Rajab 5th 615, the first sixteen believers left for Abyssinia in a boat with a rent of half a dinar. The Quraysh chased the refugees, but they had already started their journey before their arrival.

Rumors of the Quraysh’s conversion to Islam reached the Muslims in Abyssinia on Shawwal 5; some of them returned to Mecca saying that our families were dearer to us. Before reaching Mecca, they learned that This report was incorrect, so most of them returned to Abyssinia. Ibn Sa’d narrate that when the persecution of the returnees from Makkah by his people and family resumed with greater intensity than before, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allowed them to go to Abyssinia again and again. Many other Muslims agreed to go with him.

Usman said: O Messenger of Allah, are you not walking with us?

He said: Your two migrations are towards Allah and for my sake. Thirty-eight men, eleven women, and seven non-Quraysh people joined this second migration. Hazrat Fakiha bint Yasaran was one of them. HazratHattab, the husband of Hazrat Fakiha, also migrated to Abyssinia. According to a tradition, he died on the way. However, Ibn Sa’d say that he died in Abyssinia. HazratHatib’s brother HazratHatib bin Harith, his nephews Hazrat Muhammad bin Hatib, HazratHarith bin Hatib, his uncle Hazrat Sufyan bin Muammar, his cousins ​​Hazrat Jabir bin Sufyan, HazratJanada bin Sufyan, HazratHatib’s wife Hazrat Fatima BintMajal (or Mahalal) also participated in the migration journey. According to Ibn Jawzi, Hazrat Muhammad ibn Hatib was not present in this journey. He was born in Abyssinia.

Ibn Ishaq and following them, Ibn Hisham and Ibn Kathir have reported the departure of a caravan of eighty-three members between the two emigrants who went to Abyssinia leadership of Ja’far ibn Abu Talib. They say that HazratFakihabintYasar, her husband HazratHatib bin Harith, HazratHatib’s brother HazratHattab, HazratHattab’s wife Hazrat Fatima bintMajal, his son Hazrat Muhammad bin Hatib, HazratHarith bin Hatib, HazratHatib’s uncle HazratSufyan bin Mu’ammar, his wife HazratHasna and sons Hazrat Jabir and HazratJanada were also in the caravan. This news is supported by the narration narrated by Muhammad ibn Hatib himself that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said (to the Companions who were persecuted by the Quraysh): Have you seen a land (Abyssinia or Medina), migrate to it.

So (my father) HazratHatip and HazratJa’far ibn Abu Talib boarded a boat and went to Najashi. Hazrat Muhammad ibn Hatib says: “I was born in this boat” (Ahmad, No. 18194). Explaining the translation of Hazrat Muhammad ibn Hatib, Mazi wrote that instead of mentioning his birth in the ark, Hazrat Muhammad was born in Abyssinia’s land. Besides, his mother also drank the milk of HazratAsmabintUmays, the wife of HazratJa’far ibn Abu Talib.

Hazrat Fakiha bint Yasarwas not among the forty-one people who turned to Karamka on hearing the news of the Prophet’s migration to Madinah.

Seven years after the migration to Madinah in 626 AH, HazratJa’far ibn Abu Talib and the rest of the Muhajireen expressed their desire to go to Madinah, saying that our Prophet had been defeated and his mortal enemies had been killed. He gave them rides and sent them away (Al-Mujam al-Kabeer, Tabarani, No. 1478).

According to the narration of Ibn Sa’d, the Holy Prophet (SAWW) himself sent Hazrat Amr bin UmayyaZamri to Abyssinia to invite Najashi to Islam, to marry Hazrat Umm Habiba (Ramla) bint Abu Sufyan and to stay in the land of Abyssinia. Bring back the refugees. So Hazrat Umar ibn Umayyah brought the Muhajireen to Madinah in two boats. HazratFakihabintYasar, Hazrat Fatima, the widow of HazratHatib bin Harith, Hazrat Muhammad, the son of HazratHatib, and HazratHarith also reached the shores of Bola (Hijaz) in these boats.

We do not find any narration about the life of HazratFakihabintYasar in Madinah. It is also not known whether she married someone else after the death of her husband. And when did she die?

It is believed that Hazrat Fakiha died during the life of the Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. No narration has been narrated from him; the hadith has been narrated from his nephews Bara ibn Abu Tujra and Habibabint Abu Tujra.

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