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Quran with Urdu Translation – With the availability of an online Audio Quran service, reciting the Holy Quran daily is very much doable. Muslims from all around the world may benefit from this incredible service, which allows you to listen to the Holy Quran and analyze its meaning using Urdu translations.


You may also listen to English versions of the Holy Quran. This is undoubtedly a fantastic service that might assist you in receiving Allah’s Almighty blessings. Listen to the Audio Quran with Urdu translation and encourage others to do the same so that you can fully comprehend and apply the lessons of the Holy Quran.


Many individuals find it simpler to learn by listening to the Quran; nevertheless, listening to the Quran with Urdu Translation has its advantages in that we can now comprehend what we are listening to, making listening to the verses with meaning a wonderful experience. The audio version of the Quran with translation is an excellent approach to educate your children on the meaning of each verse as they study. Quran audio online is available whenever you wish to listen to the Holy verses, and we also provide Quran audio mp3 online to assist your phone in playing these lovely recordings properly.




Surah Fatiha

1 Surah in the Quran

سورة الفاتحة

Surah Baqarah

2 Surah in the Quran

سورة البقرة

Surah Al Imran

3 Surah in the Quran

سورة آل عمران

Surah Nisa

4 Surah in the Quran

سورة النساء

Surah Maidah

5 Surah in the Quran

سورة المائدة

Surah Anam

6 Surah in the Quran

سورة الأنعام

Surah Araf

7 Surah in the Quran

سورة عراف

Surah Anfal

8 Surah in the Quran

سورة الأنفال

Surah Taubah

9 Surah in the Quran

سورة التوبة

Surah Yunus

10 Surah in the Quran

سورة يونس

Surah Hud

11 Surah in the Quran

سورة هود

Surah Yusuf

12 Surah in the Quran

سورة يوسف

Surah Ar Rad

13 Surah in the Quran

سورة الرعد

Surah Ibrahim

14 Surah in the Quran

سورة ابراهيم

Surah Hijr

15 Surah in the Quran

سورة الحجر

Surah Nahl

16 Surah in the Quran

سورة نحل

Surah Isra

17 Surah in the Quran

سورة الإسراء

Surah Kahf

18 Surah in the Quran

سورة الكهف

Surah Maryam

19 Surah in the Quran

سورة مريم

Surah Taha

20 Surah in the Quran

سورة طه