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Libya Country Profile

September 8, 20224 Mins Read

Libya Country

Libya, a generally desert and oil-rich country with an old history, has all the more as of late been known for the 42-year rule of the inconsistent Colonel Muammar Gaddafi – and the bedlam that has followed his takeoff.

Besides, Libya was under unfamiliar guidelines for quite a long time until it acquired freedom in 1951. Before long oil was found and acquired the country’s enormous abundance.

Colonel Gaddafi held onto power in 1969 and administered for forty years until he was overturned in 2011 after furnished defiance helped by Western military intercession.

As of late, the nation has been a critical springboard for travelers heading for Europe, and a wellspring of worldwide pressure as adversary governments in the west and east look to build up cross-country control.


  • Province of Libya
  • Capital: Tripoli
  • Population 6.4 million
  • Region 1.77 million sq km (685,524 sq miles)
  • Significant language; Arabic
  • Significant religion: Islam
  • Life expectancy: 69 years (men), 75 years (ladies) (UN)
  • Currency: Libyan dinar


The bringing down of long-haul pioneer Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 prompted a force vacuum and unsteadiness, with no expert in full control.

Moreover, the nation has fragmented, and since 2014 has been partitioned into contending political and military groups situated in Tripoli and the east.

The key chiefs are Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, top of the universally perceived government in Tripoli, and Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army, which controls quite a bit of eastern and southern Libya.

In addition, the Islamic State bunch momentarily exploited the contention to hold onto control of a few beachfront urban areas including Sirte. Thus, it holds a presence in the desert interior.

Transportation and media communications

The primary street is the 1,100-mile (1,170-km) public beachfront parkway between the lines of Tunisia and Egypt. The Sabhā street runs from the seaside expressway at Al-Qaddāḥiyyah south and southwest to Ghāt close to the Algerian boundary. Other public streets run from Tripoli to Ghāt and Sabhā and from Ajdābiyā to Al-Kufrah. The greater part of the back roads’ is cleared. Moreover, the two rail lines that served Tripoli and Benghazi were shut in the last part of the 1960s.

Expressions of the human experience

Libyan culture features society craftsmanship and customs, which are profoundly impacted by Islam. Expressions of the human experience of weaving, weaving, metal etching, and leatherwork seldom portray individuals or creatures in light of the conventional Islamic forbiddance against such portrayals. The predominant mathematical and arabesque plans are best introduced in the plaster and tiles of the Karamanli and Gurgi mosques of Tripoli. Besides that, different practices incorporate celebrations, horse races, and people moves.

Media and distributing

The public authority controls broadcasting and the press. Papers and periodicals are distributed by the Jamahiriya News Agency (JANA), government secretariats, the Press Service, and worker’s guilds. JANA distributes Al-Fajr al-Jadīd (“New Dawn”) in Tripoli. Everyday papers incorporate Al-Shams (“The Sun”) and Al-Zaḥf al-Akhḍar (“The Green March”). In addition, radio stations from Tripoli and Benghazi are in Arabic and English; the public TV administration communicates in Arabic, with restricted hours in English, Italian, and French. A few distributors of general and scholastic books are situated in Tripoli.

Sports and entertainment

Football (soccer) is quite possibly the most mainstream sport in Libya. The top public alliance incorporates various groups, and Tripoli and Benghazi are each home to a few clubs. Al-Ahlī of Tripoli has won various association titles since the 1960s. The public group was disallowed from taking part in worldwide contests during the UN ban, yet the group got back to the world football stage in the spring of 1999 with a show game against Senegal.

Hustling is mainstream in Libya. Pony dashing is a conventional piece of many special festivals, and vehicle hustling additionally has a solid after. Tripoli was previously a stop on the Grand Prix visit; the 1933 race became scandalous when a few drivers planned to fix it. Furthermore, Libyans additionally appreciate tennis, and water sports are acquiring prevalence on the coast. Libya made its Olympic Games introduction at the 1968 Mexico City Games.

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