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Developers of AlphaFold get the $3 million Breakthrough Prize

September 23, 20225 Mins Read

One of five champs of the most renowned awards in science is DeepMind’s calculation for anticipating the 3D construction of proteins. The creators of the artificial intelligence (AI) system AlphaFold have been awarded one of this year’s $3 million Breakthrough Awards, which are the most valuable accolades in science. The technology that has predicted the 3D structures of practically every known protein on the world was developed by Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, both of DeepMind in London.

According to Mohammed AlQuraishi, a computational biologist at Columbia University in New York City, “few discoveries so profoundly affect a subject, so soon.” The profession of structural biology has undergone significant changes, both computationally and experimentally.
The prize was one of five Breakthrough awards announced on September 22 for accomplishments in the biological sciences, physics, and mathematics.

prestigious AI

The success of DeepMind’s AlphaGo served as the foundation for $3 million  AlphaFold. This was the AI that defeated Lee Sedol, a Go master, in Seoul in 2016. According to Hassabis, “it was the height of gaming AI, but that was never designed to be an aim in itself.” I intended to create AI to hasten scientific advancement. The group focused on protein folding the day after departing from Seoul.


In November 2020, the system made headlines when it defeated about 100 other software systems to win the biennial CASP challenge (Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction). In 2018, an earlier iteration of AlphaFold had won, but not by a wide margin, forcing the team to start over. Machine learning allows for Finding the ideal balance between the data and the architecture—the limitations imposed by the accepted underlying science—is important, according to Jumper.

More than 500,000 academics have used the machine learning system since DeepMind launched an open-source version of $3 million  AlphaFold in July 20211, producing thousands of articles. 200 million protein structures predicted from amino acid sequences were published by DeepMind in July of this year. To date, the data have been used to address issues including agricultural resilience and antibiotic resistance.

According to Christine Orengo, a computational biologist at University College London, “This is a big accomplishment, not just because they built the programme, but because they made it public and offered all those structures. “She continues by saying that the accomplishment was made possible by the vast amount of protein sequence data amassed by the world’s population.

When he found that he had received a Breakthrough prize, Hassabis says he was “stunned,” while Jumper says he “could not believe it was for real.” Hassabis intends to contribute a portion of his money to programmes that help schools in rural Nepal as well as efforts that promote educational initiatives focused at fostering diversity.

cell systems and sleep science

further life sciences Sleep scientists Masashi Yanagisawa of the University of Tsukuba in Japan made a distinct discovery that narcolepsy is caused by a deficiency of the brain chemical orexin.

According to Birgitte Rahbek Kornum, a neurophysiologist at the University of Copenhagen, both scientists are “giants of the field” who made it possible to identify the illness with certainty. This helped patients to understand exactly what was wrong rather than being encouraged to “get a grip and remain up,” she adds, adding that narcolepsy significantly lowers quality of life. The results have also influenced the creation of medication therapies that are now undergoing clinical testing.

Yanagisawa claims that the honour has “really honoured” him, and he plans to use the funds to create an endowment to fund research. In Japan, he notes, “Stable funding for young scientists to conduct exploratory work is troublesome,” adding that it was only feasible for him to make his own discovery because $3 million

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, a third life sciences prize.
quantum pioneers

Four pioneers in the field of quantum information—Peter Shor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, David Deutsch at the University of Oxford, Charles Bennett at IBM in Yorktown, New York, and Gilles Brassard at the University of Montreal in Canada—are sharing this year’s Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics $3 million . Their work paved the way for the creation of extremely secure communications and computers that may one day do some jobs better than conventional machines.

The news that I had won the award “genuinely frightened me,” concedes Shor There has been a lot accomplished by others. Shor created the first quantum algorithm that could be helpful in the 1990s, which might one day allow quantum computers to quickly decompose huge numbers into their prime factors2. This increases the likelihood of breaking the big prime number-based encryption algorithms that are used to safeguard a major portion of today’s Internet traffic

The Leading edge Prize in Science goes to Daniel Spielman, a mathematician at Yale College in New Shelter, Connecticut. Spielman won awards for a number of innovations, such as the creation of error-correcting codes that remove noise from high-definition television transmissions.

Milner and other internet business owners, including Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, are now funding them (formerly Facebook).

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