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Austria & Some Fascinating Facts About Austria 

September 8, 20222 Mins Read


Austria is a mountainous nation in Central Europe with an estimated population of 8.7 million people. It has a moderate and alpine climate and encompasses 83,878 square kilometers (32,385 square miles). So naturally, anyone would love to have an Alpine break. 


Austria is bordered on:

  • the north by the Czech Republic and Germany
  • the east by Slovakia and Hungary,
  • the south by Slovenia and Italy
  • the west by Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Nevertheless, Austria is a constitutional republic with a democratic republic. Vienna is the country’s capital and largest city, with a populace of about 1.8 million people. With a supposed per capita GDP of $46,972, it is one of the world’s richest countries. The country enjoys a high quality of life, and its Human Development Index placed it 24th in the world in 2016.

In addition, It joined the European Union in 1995 and has been a member of the United Nations since then. Also, it is a founding member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In 1995, Austria ratified the Schengen Agreement, and in 1999, it accepted the euro as its currency.

Furthermore, the nine autonomous federal states that make up Austria a federal republic include:

  • Lower Austria
  • Upper Austria
  • Burgenland
  • Carinthia
  • Salzburg
  • Styria
  • Tyrol
  • Vorarlberg
  • Vienna

Facts About Austria:

  • The name Austria gets from the Germanic word ‘Austro,’ which signifies ‘east.’ 
  • The Austrian banner is one of the most established public banners on the planet. 
  • Austrian Josef Madersperger imagined the sewing machine. 
  • Roughly one-fourth of the number of inhabitants in Austria lives in Vienna. 
  • Vienna has the most established zoo on the planet, which was established in 1752. 
  • It is known for its mountain rail lines and prepares like the Giselabahn. 
  • Ferdinand Porsche, the author of the German games vehicle organization ‘Porsche,’ was from Austria. 
  • Previous Hollywood entertainer Arnold Schwarzenegger experienced childhood in Austria. 
  • The Austrian Alps covers 62% of Austria. 
  • The main postcards utilized were in Austria. 

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